Tuesday, May 15, 2007

I receive from an American friend

Thank you so much.
I importantly uses it.And I ll send the responce letter.

122 dollars of 300 dollars gathered. The remainder 178 dollars. 10 dollars: Reservation

The person who entrusted 100 dollars is an another person.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

It has been brought to my attention that someone has raised a question about my contribution of $100 toward KGKGKG's camera purchase via this blog. I am the American gentleman who made that contribution. On April 24, 2007, I authorized the payment of $150 to KGKGKG through my PayPal account to pay for a purchase made for me by KGKGKG. That purchase was $50; the remaining $100 I contributed to KGKGKG for his camera. Any further questions about my contribution should be directed to me.